Monday, March 21, 2011

Less than 1 Month

Monday (3/21/2011) - Took the day off to relax.  My knee is really sore today and needs to be rested. 
Sunday (3/20/2011) - Since I did not do my 14 mile run yesterday like I was supposed to, I decided I needed to complete at least a 12 mile "short run".   Let me tell you, it was a mental weakness day.  I started out on a roll, then before I knew it I was battling a constant low blood sugar.  I felt very weak and dreaded each and every step I was taking.  For the first time in a few weeks, I was completing my long run by myself.  Running two hours by myself caused me to start talking to myself.  Some of the comments I even said out loud to the tress and river next to me were "common Val, you can do it" and "it's just you and the pavement, one step after the other".  As I approached mile 11 I hear this "beep beep" with two hands sticking out either side of an approaching SUV.  Two of my friends had come to check on me and give me an extra water.  It is always fun to see people I know to give me that extra support for the final stretch.    Finally I had completed the run and have only 3 more weekend runs before the big race day!
Saturday (3/19/2011) - Shamrock Shuffle 5K!  I was too tired to get up early to do my 14 mile run, so decided to run with some friends in the 3.1 mile race in Lebanon, NH.  A friend of mine could not participate, but had previously registered and asked me to run on her behalf.  I agreed and actually achieved a personal record for a 5K!!  Sweet!  Guess I'll just have to sign up for another 5K so that the speedy time is actually under my own name :-)  It was a great day for a little "jog" with some amazing friends.
Friday (3/18/2011) - Rest Day
Thursday (3/17/2011) – St. Patty’s Day! Quick 3 mile route before heading out with friends for some corned beef and cabbage!  Cheers :-)
Wednesday (3/16/2011) – Up early to get to the gym!!  Time for a circuit workout again.  I just love waking up before the sun comes up to go work out. Nottttt.  But knowing that a friend was holding me accountable to meeting her there got me out of bed and off to start my day.  I did a little warm up on the elliptical and got through my circuit before it was even 7:00 A.M.   I had hoped to do a little jog after work but did not get home until after 10:00P.M. so decided to call it a night and rest up for the next workout.
Tuesday (3/15/2011) – RUN CLUB DAY! Yesss!  For the second week in a row I was joined by Jenny (my cousin/friend/roommate/trainer) at run club!   I started off the run with a group for about a mile and then decided I wanted to pick up the pace a bit.  I tried to keep between an 8 and a 9 minute mile pace and probably was averaging around an 8:30.  About 2.5 miles into my run I hear “VAL!!”  Next thing I knew, Jenny was sprinting behind me to catch up.  It was very helpful to me that she decided to sprint and catch up because it helped me to push myself and keep the 8:30ish pace for the rest of the 5 miles.  Towards the end of the run, I began to feel pretty weak but just wanted to finish.  I sprinted out the last half mile with Jenny (ok so maybe she was just a step or two ahead of me) and tested my blood sugar when I got back.  LOW ughhh.  BUT Nike had bought some sliders and cookies for us to eat after our run, so I helped myself to lots of yummy snacks.  This time Nike did a raffle of two shirts and Jenny was one of the winners!!! Yayyy.    
Monday (3/14/2011) – Headed to the gym to complete a 3 mile jog on the treadmill and do some circuits.  My most dreaded circuit is the push ups on the half ball (I don’t know the formal name).  After a quick 3 miles on the treadmill it was time to face the dreaded circuit.  Finally another workout done and only 5 more weeks until race day. Ahhhh Crazy!
Sunday  (3/13/2011) – Recovery Day
Saturday (3/12/2011) – 18 MILER!  Up early to get a head start on the run my running partner and I hit the pavement at 8:45 A.M.  We got dropped off at mile 8.5ish along the course and ran the next 17.5 miles right along the marathon course, finishing the last .5 miles of our route past the finish line into the South End.  The day was gorgeous.  A beautiful sunny day with temps in the low 50s.  It was the first day I didn’t have to wear two long sleeved shirts!!  I hope race day weather is just like this long runs!   The first eight miles were awesome, but consisted of lots of rolling hills which surprised me because I thought it was supposed to be all downhill.  We stopped every 4 miles for GU packs and water (I have some awesome friends that went out along the course and left us water and Gatorade about every 4 miles! THANK YOU).  So many people and teams were out running the course which was great motivation to know that lots of other people were running at the same time!  At the eight mile marker, two of my friends joined us to run the last 10 miles (they are both training for a half marathon).  Running around a nine minute mile pace I still was feeling strong.  I just kept thinking to myself this is my dream.  I am going to be able to say I DID IT.  I will have completed the Boston marathon which is more than most people can say.  Then along came heartbreak hill…the dreaded hill.  There are 7 do not enter signs along the half mile hill and my focus is to just pass each one.  Our pace slowed down slightly, but we did not walk at all.   Having the fresh legs of my two friends that joined us helped to keep me motivated to keep a steady pace and not slow down.  I made it up heartbreak hill yet again.  SUCCESS!  Finally we took a left onto Beacon St. and were on the final stretch.  Feeling much stronger than last week, 16 miles were behind me and the final 2 of the run were left.  My legs started to get tired and I could tell that if we had to stop at any cross walks my legs were going to hate me when I started to run again.  One mile to go and I had to slow my pace down to about a 10:30 minute mile. With the reassuring support of my friends, I kept on going and as soon as my Garman watch said 18.00miles I stopped running!  I DID IT!  And felt fairly strong!  Approximately 8 more miles and I will have finished a marathon!  WooHooo! I drank some chocolate milk and headed home to take an ice bath (BRRRRR).  Going up and down stairs was a little tough for the day but by Sunday I was ready for the next week of training that laid ahead of me.
Friday (3/11/2011) – REST DAY.  One of my most favorite days of training!! :)
Thursday (3/10/2011) – I had to work late and had a busy day so I wanted to go out for a nice stress releasing jog.  I had just received my Forerunner 305 Garmin watch in the mail and I could not wait to test out the distance and pace features.   I planned to go 5 to 6 miles, but 2 miles into my run I was unmotivated with a low blood sugar.  Luckily I had worn my fanny pack with my diabetes kit and some GU chews so I ate a few Chews and decided I would just head back home for the night.  According to my watch, I ended up completing a 3 mile route. 
Wednesday (3/9/2011) – I decided that I was pretty tired so headed to the gym after work to do a little bit of cross training and my circuit workout.  I was joined by a friend for the workout which helped motivate me to get a great workout in. 
Tuesday (3/8/2011) –Run Club DAY!!!  I completed a 5 mile route with run club.  Nike was the sponsor and allowed people to test wear their LunarGlide 2 sneakers!!  These are the same shoes that I have been training in…so, I decided that I would test wear their sneakers so that I could save some miles on my running sneakers.  After the route was completed, Nike raffled off 2 water bottles and I was one of the lucky winners!!  Yayyyy.  I love run club days :-)

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